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Cameron Chapman

Cameron Chapman

设计 博客 Editor




从表面上看,视觉设计和平面设计听起来是一样的东西,有时可以互换使用, particularly outside the design industry.

While there are plenty of 视觉设计师和平面设计师的相似之处, there are also stark differences between them.

What Is 视觉 设计?

视觉设计是平面设计和用户界面(UI)设计的结合. 它侧重于一个网站或任何其他类型的美学 digital design. Does the finished product look good? That is the question visual designers aim to answer.

Though they’re not quite the same thing, 视觉设计有时与视觉传达交替使用. 视觉传达作为一个术语通常包含的不仅仅是数字设计,而是关注信息的视觉传达. 而视觉设计师则特别关注外观和感觉, 视觉传达设计师不太关心美学, in favor of the communication aspect of the discipline.


Another common area of confusion is visual design vs. general web design. Are they the same thing? Yes and no.

有些网页设计师绝对可以归类为视觉设计师. 但一个关键的区别在于,大多数网页设计师都被期望至少懂一些编码——至少懂HTML和CSS. 视觉 design jobs do not include coding.

视觉设计师通常比网页设计师承担更大的设计项目. Where web design works on designing websites, 视觉设计的例子可能包括为一个品牌或产品创造完整的视觉语言. 它超越了单一终端产品(网站、应用程序、宣传册等)的范围.),涵盖了整个组织处理设计项目的方式.

What Is 图形 设计?

平面设计作为一种职业存在的时间比视觉设计要长得多. “平面设计”一词最早出现在威廉·艾迪生·德威金斯的一篇文章中, New Kind of Printing Calls for New 设计但实际上,这种做法可以追溯到人类最早创造的艺术品.

图形 designers started out designing for print publications: books, 杂志, newspapers, 宣传册, 目录, and the like. Examples of graphic design responsibilities include creating visual graphics, page layouts, advertisements, marketing materials, and sometimes more specialized products like typefaces.

graphic design definition includes print design

In the 1990s, as web design became possible as a means of communication, 平面设计师开始将他们的产品扩展到网页设计. It made sense since many basic design principles remained the same whether designing for print or digital. 只需要在技术方面和限制方面进行更多的培训, graphic designers are quite capable of creating a website.

许多平面设计机构将网页设计添加到他们的产品中, 进一步确立平面设计师可以在印刷和数字空间工作. 许多平面设计师现在创作数字产品的频率至少和他们创作印刷设计的频率一样高.

随着我们的工作和个人生活越来越多地使用数字通信方式而不是印刷形式, graphic designers have had to adapt to stay relevant. 这些数字通信也在很大程度上模糊了视觉设计和平面设计之间的界限.

US-based full-time freelance UI designers wanted

视觉 设计 vs. 平面设计:两个学科之间模糊的界限

Because graphic design and visual design both focus on aesthetics在美国,这两个学科之间的界限往往是模糊的,尤其是在参考数字设计时. 网站和网页应用程序设计可以由视觉设计师或平面设计师创建. 所以为什么有人会称自己为一种而不是另一种呢?

如果设计师所做的所有工作都可以归类为视觉设计或平面设计, does it matter which one the designer calls themselves? Actually, yes. 这两个学科之间的工资范围有很大的不同. 平面设计师的年薪一般在6.5万美元左右,而视觉设计师的年薪可能会更高 $90,000 per year. 视视觉设计为一门更前沿的学科可能与这种差异有很大关系. 平面设计通常被认为是设计学科中的恐龙.

虽然这两份工作有重叠之处,但也有明显的不同. 最大的问题在于每种设计师创造的最终产品. If a designer is doing print design, for example, then “视觉 设计er” isn’t really an accurate job title. 两个学科之间的其他差异和相似之处概述在 infographic 下面.

视觉 设计 vs 图形 设计er Infographic

Understanding the basics

  • What does a visual designer do?

    视觉设计师专注于网站、web应用程序或其他数字设计的美学. 其他视觉设计定义包括关注用户体验,因为它与美学相关.

  • What is the definition of visual design?

    视觉设计是平面设计和用户界面(UI)设计的结合. 它侧重于网站或其他数字设计的美学.

  • What is graphic design all about?

    图形 designers started out designing for print, creating page layouts, advertisements, packaging designs, marketing materials, and sometimes more specialized products, like typefaces. 随着网络越来越受欢迎,一些平面设计师在他们的产品中加入了网页设计.

  • What kind of jobs are there for graphic design?

    几乎每个行业都需要图形设计师,并且拥有图形艺术家等职位, Creative Director, Art Director, Logo 设计er, and Brand 设计er.

  • What are the principles of visual design?

    The principles of visual design include alignment, 平衡, 对比, 接近, repetition, 和空间, as well as the Gestalt principles of design.

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