authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
验证专家 在设计

Bree’s a passionate designer and problem-solver with 10+ years experience in product and UXUI design for web and native mobile applications.




周末没有什么大计划? Did you have cancel on a friend only to find yourself stuck on a project without that one great idea? 为什么 not have a date with some of the greatest designers out there?

多亏了现代科技, we have access to an infinite library of accumulated knowledge from some of the greatest designers in history. So instead of binge-watching that popular new Netflix series and hoping for that eureka moment, why not enhance your design practice by taking in some insightful and informative videos, 拥有传奇和鼓舞人心的设计师? You’ll come away with some handy tips, refreshing insights, and maybe even a new perspective.

From the Great Industrial 设计er Dieter Rams, explaining his 设计原则, 致亚当·格兰特, 讨论原创思想家的习惯, we’ve curated the best of the best videos for designers. So sit back, and get cozy with some of our favorite design videos.

How to Build Your Creative Confidence | David Kelley

What makes otherwise creative people not consider themselves creative thinkers? David Kelley looks at the fear of judgment in those who hesitate to call themselves creative. 通过一步一步的过程, 他们可以获得创造性的自信, 敞开心扉接受新思想.


通过回顾设计的历史, Tim Brown critiques the profession as having gone from “systems-thinkers, 是谁在重塑世界, to a priesthood of folks in black turtlenecks and designer glasses, 做一些小事.” Brown asks viewers to wonder what the big questions are that we need to solve today. 在变革的时代, 大设计思维 能成为激进创新思想的渠道吗.

The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers | Adam Grant

Ever wonder how creative people come up with great ideas? 是什么造就了一个有创意的思考者? Organizational Psychologist Adam Grant takes a look at the phenomena of “originals” to figure out what makes them tick and how we can try to be a bit more original ourselves.

The Three Ways That Good 设计 Makes you Happy | Don Norman

设计有什么令人愉悦的地方? 是什么让设计变得美丽? 有趣的? 愉快的事情会更有效吗? By exploring the way design goes beyond utility and problem-solving to provoke our emotions, Don Norman tries to discover the ways in which design can make us happy.


Our brains are primed to a process of habituation, in which we begin to pay less attention to things that are commonplace in order to free up mental bandwidth for noticing and learning new things. 作为设计师和创新者, it is our job to notice the commonplace things to which we have become accustomed and wonder if there is a better solution.


The everyday things we’re used to can be taken for granted—disappearing into indifference and neglect. Sometimes we miss the many possibilities hidden behind the ordinary. By challenging our expectations and the established order of things, 设计师可以创造发现的时刻, and push our users to see everyday things as new again.


音乐作曲家, 表演者, and Innovator Imogen Heap demonstrates the inspiration behind and development of her magical, 音乐手套. As designers and technologists, thinking about the future is second-nature. How can we rethink the parameters of design vis-à-vis art, music, and performance? What can we leverage in natural human behaviors and gestures to help us design more intuitive, 并最终, 多个接口? This is an immensely inspiring and enjoyable video to stir your creativity.

If You do it Right, it and You Will Live Forever | George Lois

“Creativity can solve almost any problem,” George Lois, legendary designer and art director, says. Lois draws from his storied experience to remind us that great design is not about simply arranging pleasing images and aesthetics, 却能在遥远的未来掀起波澜. “与人才, 勇气, 和信念, you can change the world… There is no such thing as a cautious creative.”

Bonus: The Power of Time Off | Stefan Sagmeister

每七年一次, legendary 设计er Stefan Sagmeister gives in to the “seven-year itch,结束了他在纽约的设计实践, 和实验. The standard model of working leaves little time to recharge, and an unrelenting schedule can tax the creative brain. 抽出时间休息, 设计师可以刷新他们的创造力, 吸收新的影响, 并改进他们的实践. Discover what you can achieve by actually doing nothing.



验证专家 在设计




Bree’s a passionate designer and problem-solver with 10+ years experience in product and UXUI design for web and native mobile applications.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.





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